RKYC Racing
The RKYC is an active racing club with a full slate of events from May through to October. The racing program at the RKYC is intended to offer competitive racing without sacrificing the enjoyment of sailing and the fun of family participation.
Monday Night Series Sailing Instructions
Wednesday Night Series Sailing Instructions
Endurance Race Sailing Instructions
Canada Day Race Sailing Instructions
Grand Bay Distance Race Sailing Instructions
Grand Bay Short Course Series Sailing Instructions
Digby Race Sailing Instructions
September Short Course Series Sailing Instructions
September Distance Race Sailing Instructions
Remember: the RKYC racing program is for all of our members come out and enjoy! The race committee is interested in what you think of the program and wants to hear any suggestions or new ideas that you may have for either this year or next. Please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Racing Committee with your comments or questions.
Monday Night Racing Series
The Monday night races are for cruising class and is white sail only (no spinnakers). These races are meant for families and friends to get together and sail around a simple race course with enjoyment of sailing being the primary focus.
Wednesday Night Racing Series
The Wednesday night races host the clubs weekly competitive races. After these races, a social is held in the Club with video and photos of that night’s race. Each week a different crew hosts the event and a great time is had by all.
Special Races
Several weekends throughout the summer the club holds races such as the Grand Bay Series, a race around the river system known as the Endurance Race, a Canada Day race in the Saint John harbor, a race to Rothesay and back know as the Rothesay Race, a race across the Bay of Fundy to Digby, NS, and September Series. The following RKYC races are open to member yachts of other area clubs: Grand Bay Series, Canada Day Race, Harbour Race, Digby Race. The goal of this policy is increased participation in our racing program.
Racing Rules and PHRF Rating Application
Current racing rules are available in PDF format below. If you want to get your boats PRHF Rating please fill out the online application or print and fill out the PDF version and return or email to the office at office@rkyc.ca
RKYC-Sailing-Instructions 2022
PHRF Rating Application PRHF Rating Application - Online Version
View the calendar to see current schedule. Races classified as "Closed" are open to boats of RKYC members only. Crew must be members of the RKYC. Guest crew are permitted to participate in a maximum number of three races each year. In races classified as "Open", the regatta is open to all boats. Yachts from other clubs are encouraged to attend.

2020 Race Videos
The Racing Fleet
A Fleet
- Whistler's Air
- The Red Boat
- Kraken
- Perceval
- Atlantic Storm
- Dark and Stormy
- Red Sled
- Skyfall
- Mustang
- Boss Lady
- Rendez-Vous
B Fleet
- Kismet
- Forget Me Knot
- Lone Ranger
- Wavelength
- Time To Keel
- Lorelei
- Rubato